PUBLICATIONS I Revues avec comité de lecture
- Barthélemy, M., Kalegaev, V., Vialatte, A., Le Coarer, E., Kerstel, E., Séquiès, T., Basaev, A. (2018). AMICal Sat and ATISE: two space missions for auroral monitoring. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 8, A44, 1,
- Kerstel, E., Gardelein, A., Barthelemy, M., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Gilot, Y., Le Coarer, É., Rodrigo, J., Ursin, R. (2018). Nanobob: A Cubesat Mission Concept For Quantum Communication Experiments In An Uplink Configuration. EPJ Quantum Technology 5 (1), 6, 52,,
- Neumann, S.-P., Joshi, S.-K., Fink, M., Scheidl, T., …, Kerstel, E., Ursin, R. (2018). Q³Sat: quantum communications uplink to a 3U CubeSat: feasibility & design. Eur. Phys. J. Quantum Technology 5 (1), 4.,
- Gousset, S., Croize, L., Le Coarer, É., Ferrec, Y., Rodrigo-Rodrigo, J., Brooker, L. (2019). NanoCarb hyperspectral sensor: on performance optimization and analysis for greenhouse gas monitoring from a constellation of small satellites, CEAS Space Journal 11 (4), 507-524. 5. 2019.
- Dogniaux, M., Crevoisier, C., Gousset, S., Le Coarer, É., Ferrec, Y., Croizé, L., (2021). The Space CARBon Observatory (SCARBO) concept: Assessment of XCO2 and XCH4 retrieval performance. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 1-38, 2021.
- De Forges de Parny, L., Alibart, O., Debaud, J., Gelard, P., Gressani, S., Lagarrigue, A., Martin, A., Metrat, A., Schiavone, Tresse, T., M., Diamanti, E., Kerstel, E., Tanzilli, S., Vanden Bossche, M. (2022). Satellite-based Quantum Information Networks: Use cases, Architecture, Roadmap. ArXiv [Quant-Ph] Febr 3: 1–21.
- Vandame, P., Noé, A., Čech, J., Apostol, L., Prieur, C., McNamara, K., Martin, F., Sequies, T., McNamara, T., Barthélémy, M., Chanussot, J. (2022). Assessing the potential of Qormino processor for embedded AI on board a CubeSat. The IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems (J-MASS). 3(3) 121-128.
- De Forges de Parny, L., Alibart, O., Debaud, J., Gelard, P., Gressani, S., Lagarrigue, A., Martin, A., Metrat, A., Schiavone, Tresse, T., M., Diamanti, E., Kerstel, E., Tanzilli, S., Vanden Bossche, M. (2023). Satellite-based Quantum Information Networks: Use cases, Architecture, Roadmap. Nature Comm. Phys. 6:12.
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS I “extended abstracts” avec DOI ou HAL
- Diard, T., De la Barriere, F., Ferrec, Y., Guérineau, N., Rommeluère, S., LeCoarer, E., & Martin, G. (2016). Oral: Compact high-resolution micro-spectrometer on chip: spectral calibration and first spectrum. SPIE Proceedings Vol. 9836, Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications VIII; 98362W.
- Gousset S., Le Coarer, É., Guérineau, N., Croizé, L., Laveille, T., Ferrec, Y. (2017). NANOCARB-21: A Miniature Fourier-Transform Spectro-Imaging Concept for a Daily Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Concentration on the Earth Surface.” In International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2016, edited by Nikos Karafolas, Bruno Cugny, and Zoran Sodnik, 10562:83. SPIE.
- Le Coarer, E., Barthelemy, M., Vialatte, A, Prugniaux M., Bourdarot, G., Séquiès, T., Monsinjon P., Puget, R., Guerineau N. (2017) ATISE: a miniature Fourier-transform spectro-imaging concept for surveying auroras and airglow monitoring from a 6/12u cubesat. In SPIE International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2016, edited by Nikos Karafolas, Bruno Cugny, and Zoran Sodnik, 10562:243. SPIE.
- Sebastian P. Neumann, Siddarth K. Joshi, Thomas Scheidl, Roland Blach, Carsten Scharlemann, Sameh Abouagaga, Daanish Bambery, Erik Kerstel, Mathieu Barthelemy, Rupert Ursin, Matthias Fink (2018). Feasibility of a 3U CubeSat for Uplink Quantum Communications. In Proc. of SPIE. Vol. 11180. Chania, Greece: ICSO.
- Dolet, Aneline, Daniele Picone, Mauro Dalla Mura, Didier Voisin, Silvère Gousset, Sylvain Douté, and Etienne Le Coarer (2019). Gas Characterization Based on a Snapshot Interferometric Imaging Spectrometer. In SPIE Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXV, edited by Lorenzo Bruzzone, Francesca Bovolo, and Jon Atli Benediktsson, 1115502:1. SPIE Remote Sensing, 2019, Strasbourg, France.
- Picone, D., Dolet, A., Gousset, S., Voisin, D., Dalla Mura, M., Le Coarer, É. (2020). Characterisation of a Snapshot Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometer Based on an Array of Fabry-Perot Interferometer. ICASSP 2020, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.
COMMUNICATIONS SCIENTIFIQUES I Conférences internationales : présentations orales et posters
- Barthelemy, Mathieu (2016) Oral: Nanosatellites: A Paradigm Change for Space Weather Studies. Geophysical Research Abstracts 18 (EGU General Assembly ST4.1): EGU2016-9676. Vienna, Austria.
- Kerstel, E., Gilot, Y., Barthelemy, M. (2017). 1st ScyLight (SeCure and Laser communication Technology) Oral: NanoBob: A Secure Quantum Communication CubeSat Concept for Quantum Key Distribution. Workshop, ESA, 7-8 February 2017, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
- Kerstel, E., Gardelein, A., Barthelemy, M., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Gilot, Y., Le Coarer, É., Rodrigo, J., T Sequies, Ursin, R. (2017). Poster: Nanobob: A Cubesat Mission Concept For Quantum Communication Experiments In An Uplink Configuration. 2nd Quantum Technologies Workshop ESA ESTEC, 14-15 November 2017, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
- Kerstel, E., Le Coarer, É., Barthelemy, M., Tanzilli, S., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Ursin, R. & CSUG team (2017). Poster: A Cubesat For Quantum Communication and Quantum Physics Experiments. 8th Colloquium of the CNRS GDR 3322 on Quantum Engineering, Foundations & Applications, 29 November - 1 December 2017, Nice, France.
- Kerstel, E., Gardelein, A., Barthelemy, M., Tanzilli, S., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Ursin, R. & CSUG team (2018). Oral: NANOBOB: A Cubesat Mission Concept For Quantum Communication Experiments In An Uplink Configuration. Congrès de la Société Française d’Optique OPTIQUE Toulouse 2018, 2-6 July 2018, Toulouse, France.
- Barthelemy, Mathieu, Kalegaev Vladimir, Vialatte Anne, Romand Frédéric, and Payan Sebastien (2018). Oral: AMICal and ATISE: Two Cubesats Optical Payload for Space Weather Monitoring. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20 (EGU General Assembly ST3.1): EGU2018-10580. Vienna, Austria.
- Gousset, S., Croizé, L., Payan, S., Ferrec, Y., Le Coarer, É. (2018). On the use of partial interferograms for GHG measurement using a solar occultation geometry. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2018-12035. Vienna, Austria.
- Kerstel, E. (2018). Oral: Photon entanglement experiments from ground to satellite. Quantum Engineering Day, 6 July 2018, Grenoble, France.
- Kerstel, E., Gardelein, A., Barthelemy, M., Tanzilli, S., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Ursin, R. & CSUG team (2018). Oral: NanoBob: Quantum Communication with a 12U CubeSat. QTSpace: Quantum Photonics Technologies for Space, COST Action 15220, 8-10 October 2018, Bern, Switzerland.
- Kerstel, E., Bourdarot, G., Le Coarer, É., Barthelemy, M., Tanzilli, S., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Ursin, R. & CSUG team (2018). Oral: NanoBob: A Cubesat Mission Concept For Quantum Communication Experiments In An Uplink Configuration. International Conference on Space Optics, 9-12 October 2018, Chania, Greece.
- Kerstel, E., Gardelein, A., Barthelemy, M., Tanzilli, S., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Ursin, R. & CSUG team (2018). Poster: NanoBob: Quantum Communication using a CubeSat. 3rd Quantum Technologies for Space workshop ESA ESTEC, 20-21 November 2018, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
- Kerstel, E., Gardelein, A., Barthelemy, M., Tanzilli, S., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Ursin, R. & CSUG team (2018). Oral: NanoBob: Quantum Communication using a CubeSat. 10th European CubeSat Symposium, 5-7 December 2018, Toulouse, France.
- Neumann, Sebastian Philipp; Koduru Joshi, Siddarth; Ursin, Rupert; Scharlemann, Carsten; Fink, Matthias; Blach, Roland; Scheidl, Thomas; Kerstel, Erik; Barthelemy, Mathieu; Abouagaga, Sameh; Bambery, Daanish (2018). Oral: Quantum Key Distribution with a 3U CubeSat. 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Abstract id. H0.3-13-18. 14-22 July 2018, in Pasadena, California, USA.
- Kerstel, E., Gardelein, A., Barthelemy, M., Boulanger, B., Tanzilli, S., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Ursin, R. (2019). Oral: NanoBob: Quantum Secure Communication with a CubeSat. European Quantum Technologies Conference, 18-22 February 2019, Grenoble, France.
- Ehrhardt, H., Gousset, S., Boussey, J., Panabière, M., Le Coarer, É., Croizé, L. (2019), Characterization by OCT of a new kind of micro-interferometric components for the NanoCarb miniature imaging spectrometer. ...International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2018, 1118066.
- Ferrec, Y., Bonnery, G., Brooker, L., Croizé, L., Gousset, S. Le Coarer, É. (2019) NanoCarb part 1: compact snapshot imaging interferometer for CO2 monitoring from space. International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2018, 1118021.
- Gousset, S., Croize, L., Le Coarer, É., Ferrec, Y., Brooker, L. (2019). NanoCarb part 2: Performance assessment for total column CO2 monitoring from a nano-satellite. International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2018, 111803Q, 5.
- Dolet, A., Picone, D., Gousset, S., Dalla Mura, M., Le Coarer, É., Voisin, D. (2020). A new snapshot interferometric imaging spectrometer: a first comparison with a classical grating spectrometer. In Geophysical Research Abstracts 22 (EGU General Assembly AS5.12): EGU2020-8353. Vienna, Austria.
- Joaquina, K., Hugot, E., Lombardo, S., Muslimov, E., Heil, M., Biswas, I. (2020). Curved CMOS sensors, a reality: performance and status of on-going instrumental projects. X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy, IX 11454, 114540H.
- Kerstel, E., Gardelein, A., Barthelemy, M., Tanzilli, S., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Ursin, R. & CSUG team (2020, postponed to 2021). Oral: Requirements for and definition of a quantum communication CubeSat mission. Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics (WOLTE 2020), 8-11 June 2020, Matera, Italy.
- Dolet, A., Picone, D., Gousset, S., Dalla Mura, M., Le Coarer, É., Voisin, D. (2021). Using zenith observations for evaluation of an improved interferometric imaging spectrometer. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-2536.
- Gousset, S., Rodrigo, J.-M., Le Coarer, É., Ehrhardt, H., Stadler, E., Hubert, Z. (2021). NanoCarb spaceborne miniaturized GHG sensor: first experimental results. International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2020, 118522L
- Le Coarer, É., Richard, L., Robert, E., Rodrigo, J., Séquiès, T., Martin, F. (2021). Optimization of a compact static interferometer based on ImSPOC technology for a wide field polar lights monitoring. International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2020, 118521G.
- De La Barriere, F., Ferrec, Y., Croizé, L., Ehrhardt, H., Gousset, S., Le Coarer, É. (2021). Instrumental development of NanoCarb, a new spectro-imaging sensor. International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2020, 118523Z.
- McNamara, T., Barthélémy M., Monin, J-L., Chanussot, J., Noé, A., Apostol, L., Sequies, T. (2022). QlevEr Sat: AI in a CubeSat (6U) for Earth Observation. 73rd International Astronautical Congress, Paris, France, 18-22 September 2022 IAC2022 proceedings. IAC-22,B4,IP,x71142.
- Robert, E., M. Barthelemy, G. Cessateur, H. Lamy, S. Bouriat, A. Woelfflé, L. Birée, U. Brändstörm and M. G. Johnsen, Reconstruction of precipitated electron fluxes using auroral data. 26 Oct 2022. 18th Eur. Space Weather Week, Zagreb.
- Barthelemy, M., J. Robuschi, E. Robert, L. Serra Amengual. ATISE : Ground campaigns and calibration (poster). Oct. 2022. 18th Eur. Space Weather Week, Zagreb.
- Cessateur, G., H. Lamy, L. Bosse, M. Barthelemy, J. Lilensten, M.G. Johnsen, An imaging Polarimeter for the Auroral Line Emissions (poster). Oct. 2022. 18th Eur. Space Weather Week, Zagreb.
- McNamara, T., Apostol, L., Monin, J.L. (2024). QlevEr Sat: Demonstrating and edge AI for EO mission on a 2U payload ground model. 75th International Astronautical Congress, Milan, Italie, 14-18 October 2024. IAC-24,B4,4,x80957.
- Barthelemy, M., Kerstel, E., Le Coarer, É., Martino, N., Séquiès, T. (2017). De l’optique dans les nanosatellites, CSUG. Photoniques 88, 10-13, 2017.
- Kerstel, E. (2017). Capita Selecta Lectures of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology – Guest lecture: Quantum Physics with a Nanosatellite. Erasmus Mundus Program KU Leuven, TU Dresden, Chalmers University and UJF Grenoble, 16 May 2017.
- Barthelemy, M. (2017). Capita Selecta Lectures of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology – Guest lecture: CubeSat developments at the Grenoble University Space Center. Erasmus Mundus Program KU Leuven, TU Dresden, Chalmers University and UJF Grenoble, 16 May 2017.
- Kerstel, E., Gardelein, A., Barthelemy, M., Tanzilli, S., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Ursin, R. & CSUG team (2019). Oral: Building nanosatellites at the Grenoble University Space Center: More than an educational tool. Results of the NanoBob Quantum CubeSat Mission Definition study. Engineering Department Seminar Series, Princeton University, 17-18 June 2019, NJ, USA.
- Kerstel, E., Gardelein, A., Barthelemy, M., Tanzilli, S., Fink, M., Joshi, S.-K., Ursin, R. & CSUG team (2019). Oral: NanoBob: Quantum Secure Communication with a CubeSat. CNES COMET, 26 March 2019, Paris, France.
- Kerstel, E. (2019). Miniaturized ring-down spectrometer for CubeSat-based planetary science, Spotlight on Optics, OSA.
- E. Kerstel, Oral: NanoBob: Quantum Secure Communication with a CubeSat (2022). QuantAlps Days, October 5-6, 2022, Grenoble France.
- E. Kerstel, Oral: Quantum Secure Communication with a CubeSat: towards the future Quantum Internet (2022). Journée Communications Optiques, 12 octobre 2022, Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine de Talence, France.
- A. Caspi, M. Barthelemy, C.D. Bussy-Virat, I.J. Cohen... Small Satellite Mission Concepts for Space Weather Research and as Pathfinders for Operations. Space Weather, 2022
- Mathieu Barthelemy et al. AMICal Sat: A sparse RGB imager on board a 2U cubesat to study the aurora. IEEE-JMASS. July 2022.
- P. Vandame et al., Assessing the potential of Qormino processor for embedded AI on board a CubeSat. JMASS, Sept. 2022.
- S. Bouriat, P. Vandame, M. Barthélémy, J. Chanussot. Towards an AI-based understanding of the solar wind: A critical data analysis of ACE data. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9, 980759. 2022.
- Kerstel, E., L. de Forges de Parny, M. van den Bossche, E. Diamanti, P. Gelard, S. Tanzilli, and the CSUG Team. Towards a global quantum internet: Development of a satellite demonstrator for a quantum entanglement distribution network. (Oral). 9e Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation (C2i), 26 Jan 2023. Grenoble.
- McNamara, T., Monin J-L., Barthelemy, M., Apostol, L., Sequies, T., Chanussot, J. QlevEr Sat : charge utile avec IA embarquée pour observer la Terre. (Oral). 9e Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation (C2i), 26 Jan 2023. Grenoble.
Soumis en 2022 :
- 1. Robert et al. Reconstruction of precipitated electron fluxes using auroral data. Submitted to JSWSC. Dec 2022.
- 2. Bouriat et al. Electron Aurora and polar rain dependencies on Solar Wind Drivers. Submitted to GRL. Dec 2022
COMMUNICATIONS GRAND PUBLIC I y compris Communiqués de presse et trade-shows
- Barthélémy, M. & Séquiès, T. (2020). From heavy computing to Artificial Intelligence - A space journey with Teledyne e2v - QlevEr Sat. Teledyne e2v Semiconductors Online Press Conference, 16 April 2020.
- McNamara, T., Apostol, L, Martin, F., Safon, H., Toudji, Y., Hammache, F., Sartel, C., Regnier, Q. & McNamara K. (2021). QlevEr Sat 0/A/B: Breadboard Demo. CSUG QlevEr Sat payload preliminary model demo day with Teledyne e2v, CSUG, Université Grenoble Alpes, 6 July 2021, Grenoble, France.
- McNamara, T., Apostol, L & Séquiès, T. (2021). Artificial Intelligence in Space with QlevEr Sat project. Earth Observation combined with Artificial Intelligence CSUG Demo. The QlevEr Sat Demo by CSUG (Grenoble University Space Center) aims at showing a preliminary payload model able to run versatile embedded AI on the Quad-core Qormino processor to automatically interpret Earth images taken by an Emerald 16M imager. Teledyne e2v Semiconductors booth. Space Tech Expo Europe, 16-18 November 2021, Bremen, Germany.
- Porchez, T. for Teledyne e2v Semiconductors, CSUG, MIAI, Gipsa-lab & DSE (2022). QlevEr Sat – Earth Observation with on-board Artificial Intelligence running on QLS1046-Space processing module. With contributions from P. Vandame, A. Noé, C. Prieur, J. Cech, J. Chanussot, K. McNamara, L. Apostol, F. Martin, T. Sequiès, T. McNamara, M. Barthélémy, T. Guillemain. Presented at DASIA On line 2022 (Data Systems in Aerospace annual conference by Eurospace), 17-19 May 2022, Online Conference.
- McNamara, T. (2022). Présentation des activités du CSUG et d’un projet concret, le CubeSat QlevEr Sat. Découverte de la nuit et de l'espace à Venon (dans le cadre du Mois de la Nuit) organisé avec la Commune de Venon, 22 October 2022, Venon, France.
- Hennart, F. for UFO QlevEr Demo (2022). UFO QlevEr Demo project by U-Space, Terrasigna, DSE, CSUG and Teledyne e2v. Presented at UFO Final Showcase Event (, Royal Geographical Society, 29 November 2022, London, GB.
Publié le 4 décembre 2024
Mis à jour le 18 décembre 2024
Mis à jour le 18 décembre 2024