Most of the earth’s surface lack of terrestrial networks. These zones include populated areas that necessitate technologies to permit communication with more connected areas, enable scientists to have networks in wild areas (e.g. Polar zones and oceans) to support their research, monitor isolated beacons and prevent of risks. Solutions have been developed in the last decades, notably the LoRa technology, that facilitate a long range communication with a low power consumption for IoT (Internet of things).
Updated October 17, 2023
During the previous mission, the SatRev nanosatellite STORK-1 experienced unexpected challenges resulting in the loss of contact between the satellite and the ground station. A solar flare that peaked around December 15th, 2022, may have been the cause of the communication loss.
A new mission will integrate ThingSat-2 (customer's payload by CSUG) in the satellite platform STORK-2 provided by SatRev.
This project was developed in less than a year and launched into its final orbit on January 13th 2022.
ThingSat is a communication payload constituted of an electronic board of several LoRa transmitters and a patch antenna operating in (868MHz, 2.4GHz). It is a guest payload of a shared 3U CubeSat - STORK-1 of the polish start-up SatRevolution. The mission aims to benchmark the LoRa links over a very long distance (520 km) for several frequency bands and demonstrate the effectiveness of that technology in the context of space-ground communication.
This project can be adapted to a wide range of use cases, for players as varied as Earth science researchers (e.g. Ocean levels, melting of glaciers, pirate fishing...) and companies with widely dispersed objects (e.g. the Monitoring of tank ships). The transmitters and the antenna will connect the on ground isolated objects and beacons and ensure their re-synchronization by distributing a secure time base without the GPS.
A project with a consortium of actors coordinated by CSUG
In partnership with LIG, IMEP and OSUG this project is being developed thanks to several partners: public actors (Université de Polynésie Française, IPEV) and private companies (SpaceAble, Air liquide, Gorgy Timing and Galathea).
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