The team

The CSUG team includes permanent staff of the Grenoble Alpes University (UGA) and a core team of engineers.

The permanent staff of the UGA (professors, researchers, engineers and technicians) propose research topics based on nanosatellites and follow their development.
They supervise students in the training components associated with CSUG, in their participation in making payloads embedded on nanosatellites.
The CSUG Core Team Engineers are in charge of the building of CSUG's payloads. They act as project managers, electronic engineers, computer scientists, etc. They work in close collaboration with UGA scientists and also supervise students.


CSUG is organized in different parts: the strategic direction is made in collaboration with CNES, ESA and CSUG patrons.  Université Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP are the founding members of CSUG, called the "board of strategy". Finally, the governing structure is composed of laboratories and components. All of them, along with the UGA Foundation, are linked to the CSUG management, headed by Jean-Louis Monin.  The management is also composed of a deputy director training, a program manager, a deputy director research and a support via central functions: administration and communication.


Estelle Moraux - Directrice du CSUG

Estelle Moraux

Tân-Phu VUONG - Codirecteur du CSUG

Tân-Phu Vuong

Thierry Sequies

Thierry Sequies
Program manager

Mathieu Barthélémy

Mathieu Barthélémy
Deputy director research

Erik Kerstel

Erik Kerstel
Deputy director education

Core team

Lian Apostol

Lian Apostol

Didier Donsez

Didier Donsez
Project Investigator
Electronics & software

Central functions

Mélania Colella

Mélania Colella
Administrative manager

photo de profil

Pierre Jacquet

Published on  May 24, 2022
Updated on November 20, 2024